Belizean baby boy names starting with U

Belizean most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Belizean are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Belizean baby names for boys and girls.

1. Ubeluiuo
Boy 4125
Truely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher
2. Ucca
Boy 5013
Courageous; Logical; Compassion
3. Ucga
Boy 2479
Communicator; Logical; Energetic
4. Uchered
Boy 2071
Courageous; Logical; Compassion
5. Uchtred
Boy 4382
Capability; Strength; Impressive Personality
6. Uctred
Boy 2870
Captain; Good; Graceful
7. Udale
Boy 5229
From The Yew Tree Valley
8. Udall
Boy 4686
From The Yew Tree Valley
9. Udayle
Boy 5734
From The Yew Tree Valley
10. Udeh
Boy 2703
One Who Praises God
11. Udel
Boy 2003
From The Yew Tree Valley
12. Udolfo
Boy 2220
Wealthy Wolf
13. Udolph
Boy 4696
Wealthy Wolf
14. Ueqorigas
Boy 3704
Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence
15. Ufa
Boy 2800
16. Ufegeat
Boy 2044
Hesitate; Travel Lover; Good Understanding
17. Uffa
Boy 3690
Philosopher; Careful; Beautiful
18. Ufic
Boy 5153
Social Person; Great Companion; Graceful
19. Ugga
Boy 5115
Guider; Discipline; Adventurer
20. Uggeca
Boy 4216
Ruler; Good Person; Influencer
21. Uggi
Boy 5943
Successful; Joyful; Freedom Lover
22. Ughtred
Boy 5919
Hypersensitive; Strength; Highly Attractive
23. Uhredus
Boy 2166
Loving; Wisedom; Inventiveness
24. Uhtred
Boy 4684
Imaginative; Wealth; Adventurer
25. Ujarak
Boy 2788
Like A Rock
26. Ukiah
Boy 4110
Deep Valley
27. Ukya
Boy 4580
From The Deep Valley
28. Ulan
Boy 3206
First-born Twin
29. Ulbawes
Boy 2915
Faithful; Great Humanity; Highly Sensitive
30. Ulbricht
Boy 4177
Highborn; Brilliant
31. Ulcagnus
Boy 2066
Master; Educated; Cheerful
32. Ulfbehrt
Boy 3032
Hypersensitive; Strength; Highly Attractive
33. Ulfcytel
Boy 2682
Smart; Enormous; Good Understanding
34. Ulfin
Boy 3116
Successful; Joyful; Freedom Lover
35. Ulfius
Boy 3176
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
36. Ulfred
Boy 2088
Wolf Of Peace
37. Ulfric
Boy 2901
Kind; Entertainer; Handsome
38. Ulfrid
Boy 5841
Peaceful Wolf
39. Ulger
Boy 5926
Wolf Spear
40. Ulises
Boy 4290
Greek name ODysseus Ulysses was the clever anD resourceful mythological hero of Homer's epic The ODyssey
41. Ullaula
Boy 2890
Captain; Good; Graceful
42. Ulle
Boy 4141
43. Ullmar
Boy 2158
Famous Wolf
44. Ullock
Boy 2273
Wolf Sport
45. Ullok
Boy 4817
Wolf Sport
46. Ullrick
Boy 4173
Freedom Lover; Playful; Friendly
47. Ulmar
Boy 3882
Wolf Famous
48. Ulmarr
Boy 4403
Wolf Famous
49. Ulmer
Boy 2723
Famous Wolf
50. Ulricus
Boy 4886
Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence
51. Ultan
Boy 4946
52. Uluric
Boy 5247
Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive
53. Ulvelaik
Boy 4682
Wolf Sport
54. Undra
Boy 3711
Loving, Godly Loyal Faithful, One Of A Kind Man
55. Undrea
Boy 3836
Folk Romanian Name Of The Month Of December Comes From Saint Andrew
56. Unferth
Boy 5603
Hypersensitive; Strength; Highly Attractive
57. Unknown
Boy 4153
It Is Not Known
58. Unlaf
Boy 4342
Guider; Discipline; Adventurer
59. Unwine
Boy 4484
60. Unwinn
Boy 3098
61. Unwona
Boy 5976
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
62. Unwyn
Boy 5917
63. Upchurch
Boy 2131
From The Upper Church
64. Upshaw
Boy 3236
Upper Wooded Area
65. Upton
Boy 2899
From Uptown
66. Uptonn
Boy 2977
Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable
67. Uptun
Boy 3928
From The Upper Farm
68. Upwode
Boy 3118
From The Upper Forest
69. Upwood
Boy 4283
From The Upper Forest
70. Urbgen
Boy 4282
Imaginative; Wealth; Adventurer
71. Urgan
Boy 2562
Philosopher; Careful; Beautiful
72. Urien
Boy 2200
Name Of A King
73. Uriens
Boy 3141
Name Of A King
74. Urijah
Boy 5892
The Lord Is My Light Or Fire
75. Urilla
Boy 2750
God Is My Light
76. Urre
Boy 5996
Captain; Good; Graceful
77. Urson
Boy 4097
Bear Cub
78. Usbeorn
Boy 3550
Divine Warrior
79. Uscfrea
Boy 3275
Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable
80. Ush
Boy 4357
81. Ushar
Boy 5371
82. Usher
Boy 5293
83. Ushir
Boy 2634
84. Usoro
Boy 4886
Festival Period
85. Utha
Boy 5892
Communicator; Logical; Energetic
86. Uttel
Boy 3677
Unique; Visionary; Different
87. Uttoc
Boy 3464
Expertise; Perfect; Serious
88. Uwaine
Boy 2134
Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable
89. Uxfrea
Boy 2598
Expertise; Good Person; Charming
90. Uz
Boy 5305
Counsel; Words

Belizean baby boy names A to Z

Belizean baby boy names A to Z

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