Belizean baby boy names starting with O

Belizean most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Belizean are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Belizean baby names for boys and girls.

1. Oachim
Boy 3935
God Will Establish
2. Oakden
Boy 4066
From The Oak Tree Valley
3. Oakes
Boy 4378
From The Oak
4. Oaklea
Boy 3843
Oak Wood Or Clearing
5. Oaklen
Boy 4343
Strong As An Oak
6. Oakley
Boy 5009
From An Oak Tree Forest
7. Oakleyl
Boy 4739
Teacher; Friendly; Confidence
8. Oaklie
Boy 3145
Oak Wood Or Clearing
9. Oakly
Boy 5599
Oak Wood Or Clearing
10. Oaks
Boy 5264
Oak Trees
11. Oates
Boy 2351
12. Obsidian
Boy 4471
Little Feather
13. Occa
Boy 2089
Creative; Educated; Confidence
14. Ocelfa
Boy 4085
From The High Plain
15. Ocga
Boy 3230
Master; Educated; Cheerful
16. Ochs
Boy 5869
Oak Trees
17. Octa
Boy 2274
Art; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
18. Octave
Boy 4279
Born Eighth
19. Odakota
Boy 4942
20. Odale
Boy 2937
Of The Valley
21. Odalric
Boy 4258
Master; Educated; Cheerful
22. Odam
Boy 5543
Son In Law
23. Odard
Boy 2956
Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
24. Odayle
Boy 2887
Of The Valley
25. Odbehrt
Boy 2769
Humanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
26. Odda
Boy 4250
Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
27. Odie
Boy 2011
Of The Valley; Wealthy
28. Odis
Boy 5819
Son Of Otto
29. Odoacer
Boy 3551
Expertise; Perfect; Serious
30. Odom
Boy 3082
Son In Law
31. Odwolf
Boy 4475
Wealthy Wolf
32. Odwolfe
Boy 3999
Wealthy Wolf
33. Odwulf
Boy 3485
Wealthy Wolf
34. Odysseas
Boy 5284
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
35. Oegelsby
Boy 3546
36. Oelfwine
Boy 2123
Master; Educated; Cheerful
37. Oeric
Boy 3530
Adventure; Emotional; Highly Attractive
38. Oethelwald
Boy 3268
Unique; Visionary; Different
39. Offa
Boy 2739
Name Of A King
40. Offede
Boy 5664
Skill; Researcher; Mysterious
41. Ofri
Boy 5252
My Deer
42. Oftfor
Boy 5900
Successful; Joyful; Freedom Lover
43. Ogdan
Boy 3308
Dweller In The Oak Valley
44. Ogden
Boy 3113
From An Oak Valley
45. Ogdon
Boy 2195
From The Oak Tree Valley
46. Ogelsby
Boy 4873
47. Ogelsvie
Boy 4184
48. Ogelsvy
Boy 4013
49. Oger
Boy 5253
Humanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
50. Ogie
Boy 4678
51. Oglesby
Boy 2685
Problem Solver; Healer; Comfortable
52. Ogrins
Boy 2510
Pioneer; Helper; Inventiveness
53. Oguhyr
Boy 4929
Clever; Great Mankind; Strengthful
54. Ohta
Boy 3806
Master; Educated; Cheerful
55. Ohthere
Boy 4254
Knowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
56. Oiddii
Boy 3953
Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong
57. Oidilwald
Boy 5637
Master; Educated; Cheerful
58. Okeley
Boy 5132
Warrior; Innovative; Handsome
59. Okely
Boy 5371
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
60. Okes
Boy 5245
From The Oak
61. Ole
Boy 2432
62. Olef
Boy 4201
Family Descendant
63. Olen
Boy 2049
64. Olev
Boy 4297
Family Descendant
65. Olever
Boy 4935
66. Olif
Boy 4082
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
67. Olin
Boy 2327
68. Olla
Boy 3531
Creative; Educated; Confidence
69. Ollaneg
Boy 4129
From Olney
70. Olney
Boy 2672
From Olney
71. Olowin
Boy 3947
72. Olson
Boy 5309
Son Of Ole
73. Olvan
Boy 3726
74. Oly
Boy 3273
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
75. Olyn
Boy 2122
76. Olyver
Boy 3841
Truely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher
77. Omani
Boy 4831
An Exuberant Woman
78. Omawnakw
Boy 4420
Cloud Feather
79. Omerus
Boy 4742
Influencer; Freedom Lover; Charisma
80. Omiros
Boy 3982
Detainee, Prisoner, Captive, Or Jailbird
81. Omont
Boy 3763
Freedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
82. Ongentheow
Boy 4917
Humanitarian; Intelligence; Adventurer
83. Onlaf
Boy 4856
Art; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
84. Ontzlake
Boy 2068
Freedom Lover; Playful; Friendly
85. Opi
Boy 4912
The Moon
86. Opie
Boy 5509
Passionate; Extremely Sensitive; Intelligence
87. Opy
Boy 5404
Derived From English-American Origins
88. Orahamm
Boy 5481
From Tbe Riverbank Enclosure
89. Oram
Boy 4963
From Tbe Riverbank Enclosure
90. Oran
Boy 4173
Pale Green
91. Orange
Boy 4701
92. Oratun
Boy 3310
From The Shore Farm
93. Orda
Boy 4454
Affectionate; Inventive; Trustworthy
94. Ordbehrt
Boy 2873
Humanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
95. Ordgar
Boy 5246
Helpful; Knowledgeul; Shy
96. Ordheah
Boy 2653
Freedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
97. Ordla
Boy 2487
Skill; Researcher; Mysterious
98. Ordlaf
Boy 2672
Keen; Knowledgeul; High Intelligence
99. Ordland
Boy 2915
From The Pointed Hill
100. Ordmaer
Boy 5024
Emotional; Entertainer; Strong

Belizean baby boy names A to Z

Belizean baby boy names A to Z

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