Barbadian baby boy names starting with R

Barbadian most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Barbadian are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Barbadian baby names for boys and girls.

1. R Rr
Boy 3800
Ruler, Leader
2. Raanan
Boy 3631
3. Raayo
Boy 2887
Rebellious Woman
4. Rab
Boy 4567
Lord; Master One Of The Names Of Allah
5. Rabert
Boy 4444
The Most Special One
6. Rabon
Boy 5966
7. Raca
Boy 3026
Worthless; Good-for-nothing
8. Race
Boy 2242
Running Competition
9. Rachal
Boy 3933
To Whisper; An Embalmer
10. Racine
Boy 4689
A Wise Man
11. Radan
Boy 5508
12. Radbod
Boy 2929
Master; Educated; Cheerful
13. Radborn
Boy 3797
From The Red Brook
14. Radborne
Boy 2287
From The Red Brook
15. Radbourn
Boy 4677
From The Red Brook
16. Radbourne
Boy 5985
Lives By The Red Stream
17. Radburn
Boy 3846
Red Stream Or River
18. Radburne
Boy 2954
From The Red Brook
19. Radburt
Boy 4255
Red Haired Counselor
20. Radbyrne
Boy 3309
Lives By The Red Stream
21. Radcliff
Boy 3633
Red Colored Cliff
22. Radcliffe
Boy 2512
Red Cliff
23. Radclyf
Boy 4560
From The Red Cliff
24. Radd
Boy 2389
25. Raddiffe
Boy 4041
Spiritual; Helper; Intuitive
26. Radeliffe
Boy 5513
From The Red Cliff
27. Radferd
Boy 5830
From The Red Ford
28. Radford
Boy 5810
Red Colored Ford
29. Radfurd
Boy 2161
From The Red Ford
30. Radlea
Boy 5117
From The Red Meadow
31. Radley
Boy 5553
Red Forest Or Meadow
32. Radmund
Boy 5893
Red Haired Defender
33. Radney
Boy 3434
34. Radnor
Boy 5606
From The Red Shore
35. Rado
Boy 2212
Happy Glory
36. Radolf
Boy 3846
Red Wolf
37. Radolph
Boy 3030
Red Wolf
38. Radulfus
Boy 4462
Art; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
39. Radulph
Boy 5753
Great Leader; Problem Avoider; Good Judger
40. Radulphus
Boy 2418
Art; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
41. Radus
Boy 3601
Guider; Discipline; Adventurer
42. Radvers
Boy 4014
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
43. Raeann
Boy 3835
Ewe; Rae Plus Ann
44. Raeanna
Boy 5085
Raving Beauty
45. Raeborn
Boy 2555
From The Roe-deer Brook
46. Raeborne
Boy 2602
From The Roe-deer Brook
47. Raebourn
Boy 5819
From The Roe-deer Brook
48. Raedanoran
Boy 2991
From The Red Shore
49. Raedburne
Boy 4629
Lives By The Red Stream
50. Raedclyf
Boy 4202
From The Red Cliff
51. Raedel
Boy 3474
Humanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
52. Raedeman
Boy 2683
Red Haired Horseman
53. Raedford
Boy 3277
From The Red Ford
54. Raedfrid
Boy 2895
Energy; Helper; Stimulator
55. Raedla
Boy 3170
Skill; Researcher; Mysterious
56. Raedleah
Boy 2331
From The Red Meadow
57. Raedmund
Boy 4526
Red Haired Defender
58. Raedpath
Boy 5546
Lives Near The Red Path
59. Raedwolf
Boy 5421
Red Wolf
60. Raedwulf
Boy 5338
Friendly; Great Mankind; Charismatic
61. Raedyn
Boy 3653
God Or Goddess Of Thunder And Lightning
62. Raee
Boy 2719
63. Raegen
Boy 2685
Someone Who Is Pretty With Alot Of Confidence, With A Great Personality
64. Raegenhere
Boy 3163
Freedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
65. Raejin
Boy 5467
Thunder God
66. Raekwon
Boy 4751
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
67. Raeley
Boy 5884
Beautiful And Unique
68. Raelin
Boy 2394
Means Pride, Peace And Loving
69. Raeven
Boy 5277
A Form Of Raven
70. Raevin
Boy 2394
Dark And Light Warrior
71. Raewyn
Boy 4086
72. Raff
Boy 3574
Red Wolf
73. Raffe
Boy 2520
74. Rage
Boy 2370
75. Ragener
Boy 2235
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
76. Rags
Boy 4810
A Small Garden
77. Rahab
Boy 2873
Proud; Quarrelsome (applied To Egypt)
78. Rahere
Boy 2724
Leader; Visionary; Powerful
79. Rahm
Boy 5367
Mercy; Pity; Compassion; Kindness; Tenderness
80. Rahmel
Boy 3861
Son Of God
81. Rahshone
Boy 3689
Explorer; Great Companion; Trustworthy
82. Raidan
Boy 3000
Thunder God
83. Raidyn
Boy 3215
God Of Thunder Variant Of Raiden
84. Raiford
Boy 2966
85. Railyn
Boy 2656
Beautiful Light
86. Raimy
Boy 5963
87. Rainard
Boy 3194
88. Rainault
Boy 5096
Counsel Power
89. Rainger
Boy 2785
Forest Ranger
90. Rainhold
Boy 2700
Counsel Power
91. Rainie
Boy 5613
92. Raiven
Boy 5021
93. Raiya
Boy 2077
94. Raleah
Boy 4314
From The Roe Deer Meadow
95. Ralegh
Boy 3730
From The Roe Deer Meadow
96. Raleich
Boy 4526
Deer's meaDow
97. Raley
Boy 5338
From The Roe Deer Meadow
98. Ralf
Boy 4493
Red Wolf
99. Ralik
Boy 2398
One Who Has Been Purified
100. Rally
Boy 5818
From The Roe Deer Meadow

Barbadian baby boy names A to Z

Barbadian baby boy names A to Z

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