Aruban baby boy names starting with I
Aruban most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Aruban are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Aruban baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. | Iaenbeorht | Capability; Strength; Impressive Personality |
2. | Ibba | Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability |
3. | Ibis | A Man Named |
4. | Ibzan | Father Of A Target; Father Of Coldness |
5. | Icca | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
6. | Ichi | First Son |
7. | Icori | Mankind; Great Lover; Optimistic |
8. | Icorigas | Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable |
9. | Idal | From The Yew Tree Valley |
10. | Idande | Protection |
11. | Idcant | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
12. | Iddig | Legendary Son Of Anarawd |
13. | Ider | Helper; Adaptable; Strengthful |
14. | Idguallaun | Genius; Wealth; Protector |
15. | Idguin | Ambitious; Playful; Different |
16. | Idhelm | Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable |
17. | Idmab | Open-Minded; Leadership; Courage |
18. | Idmaer | Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong |
19. | Idnert | Researcher; Flexible; Soft |
20. | Idnerth | Lord Strength |
21. | Idon | Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer |
22. | Idres | Influencer; Freedom Lover; Charisma |
23. | Idwal | Leader' S Protection |
24. | Idwallon | Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable |
25. | Idwared | Pioneer; Helper; Inventiveness |
26. | Ieklon | The Moon |
27. | Ielfgar | Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence |
28. | Ielfred | Loving Change; Master Of Their Own Destiny; High Intelligence |
29. | Ieuaf | Youngest |
30. | Ify | One Who Is Widely Loved |
31. | Igasho | Wanders |
32. | Igil | Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable |
33. | Ignatious | Fiery One |
34. | Ignatius | Fiery Famous Bearers: St Ignatius Of Antioch; Martyred In The 2nd CenturySt Ignatius Of Loyola; Who Founded The Jesuits In The 15th Century |
35. | Ihu | God Rescues; Yahweh |
36. | Ikee | Full Of Laughter |
37. | Ilex | Variant Of Alex |
38. | Ilfred | Helper; Freedom Lover; Super Star |
39. | Ilger | Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable |
40. | Ilhelm | Feeling; Adaptable; Noble |
41. | Ilijah | Combination Of Eli And Elijah |
42. | Ilio | Sun |
43. | Ilit | The Best |
44. | Illanipi | An Amazing Man |
45. | Illica | Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer |
46. | Illud | Mankind; Friendly; Energetic |
47. | Ilud | Ambitious; Playful; Different |
48. | Ilvetos | Expressive; Harmony; Cheerful |
49. | Ilvveto | Helpful; Sentimental; Respectability |
50. | Imanol | God Is With Us |
51. | Imants | Mashoor |
52. | Imbert | Of Great Fame |
53. | Imbicatos | Warrior; Innovative; Handsome |
54. | Immin | Clever; Great Mankind; Strengthful |
55. | Immine | Helper; Adaptable; Strengthful |
56. | Imron | Greatness |
57. | Indrawan | Pearl |
58. | Indulf | Social Person; Great Companion; Graceful |
59. | Ine | Name Of A King |
60. | Inee | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
61. | Ingelbert | Bright Angel |
62. | Ingeld | Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable |
63. | Ingeler | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
64. | Ingham | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
65. | Ingilram | Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic |
66. | Ingin | Ruler; Good Person; Influencer |
67. | Ingraham | Angel-raven |
68. | Ingrim | Angel-raven |
69. | Inguburh | Pioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability |
70. | Ingui | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
71. | Ingulf | Wolf |
72. | Ingulph | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
73. | Inguo | Expertise; Good Person; Charming |
74. | Ingwald | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
75. | Ingweald | Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive |
76. | Ingwulf | Emotional; Entertainer; Strong |
77. | Inno | Man Of Victory |
78. | Inprimis | Ruler; Good Person; Influencer |
79. | Instio | Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong |
80. | Inwaer | Investigator; Care Taker; Courage |
81. | Ioco | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
82. | Iocyn | Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive |
83. | Iohannes | Music; Friendly; Dynamic |
84. | Ionas | Chief; Educated; Good Understanding |
85. | Iordanus | Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic |
86. | Ioruert | Researcher; Flexible; Soft |
87. | Iorwerth | Worthy lorDDeriveD from 'ior' anD 'gwerth'LegenDary son of MareDuDD |
88. | Ioseb | Adventure; Emotional; Highly Attractive |
89. | Ioseph | God Will Multiply |
90. | Iouanaul | Unpredictable; Adorable; Confident |
91. | Iovenali | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
92. | Ipa | Highly Competitive; Confidence; Studious |
93. | Ipela | Investigator; Care Taker; Courage |
94. | Ippa | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
95. | Irek | Blue Lotus |
96. | Irgen | Free Bird |
97. | Irineo | Peaceful |
98. | Iriye | Cool; Peace; Harmony |
99. | Irl | Earl |
100. | Irminric | Expertise; Good Person; Charming |
Aruban baby boy names A to Z
- Aruban boy names starting with A
- Aruban boy names starting with B
- Aruban boy names starting with C
- Aruban boy names starting with D
- Aruban boy names starting with E
- Aruban boy names starting with F
- Aruban boy names starting with G
- Aruban boy names starting with H
- Aruban boy names starting with I
- Aruban boy names starting with J
- Aruban boy names starting with K
- Aruban boy names starting with L
- Aruban boy names starting with M
- Aruban boy names starting with N
- Aruban boy names starting with O
- Aruban boy names starting with P
- Aruban boy names starting with Q
- Aruban boy names starting with R
- Aruban boy names starting with S
- Aruban boy names starting with T
- Aruban boy names starting with U
- Aruban boy names starting with V
- Aruban boy names starting with W
- Aruban boy names starting with X
- Aruban boy names starting with Y
- Aruban boy names starting with Z
Aruban baby boy names A to Z
- Aruban girl names starting with A
- Aruban girl names starting with B
- Aruban girl names starting with C
- Aruban girl names starting with D
- Aruban girl names starting with E
- Aruban girl names starting with F
- Aruban girl names starting with G
- Aruban girl names starting with H
- Aruban girl names starting with I
- Aruban girl names starting with J
- Aruban girl names starting with K
- Aruban girl names starting with L
- Aruban girl names starting with M
- Aruban girl names starting with N
- Aruban girl names starting with O
- Aruban girl names starting with P
- Aruban girl names starting with Q
- Aruban girl names starting with R
- Aruban girl names starting with S
- Aruban girl names starting with T
- Aruban girl names starting with U
- Aruban girl names starting with V
- Aruban girl names starting with W
- Aruban girl names starting with X
- Aruban girl names starting with Y
- Aruban girl names starting with Z