Argentinian baby boy names starting with R

Argentinian most popular names of 2025 feature Zamora as Number 1 for girls, and Iza in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Argentinian are Yahaira and Airam and Javi and for girls, and Yareth and Juanpablo and Ario and for boys. Here is the list for Argentinian baby names for boys and girls.

1. Rafel
Boy 3553
Healing God
2. Ramee
Boy 3123
Protecting Hands
3. Ramiro
Boy 5068
Famous Counsel
4. Ramone
Boy 3502
Form of RaymonD 'GuarDs wisely
5. Raydel
Boy 4875
The Best
6. Raymundo
Boy 4177
Protected Counsel
7. Refugio
Boy 3864
8. Regidor
Boy 4105
Governor, Ruler
9. Rejinaldo
Boy 4450
Wise Ruler
10. Remberto
Boy 3580
Renowned Warrior
11. Renaldo
Boy 4297
Wise Ruler
12. Reo
Boy 3412
A Alternative Spelling Of Rio ; Meaning Riverin Spanish And Portuguese
13. Reyli
Boy 2703
14. Reynaldo
Boy 3834
Wise Ruler
15. Reynoldo
Boy 3990
Rulers Adviser
16. Rigobert
Boy 2825
Illustrious Warrior
17. Rigoberto
Boy 5363
Think Knight In Shining Armor For This Baby Boys Name Meaningshining Warriororbright Leader
18. Rio
Boy 2041
19. Rivera
Boy 2791
20. Rmando
Boy 2639
Likely A Typo For Armando (soldier)
21. Roano
Boy 4487
Reddish Brown Skin
22. Roberto
Boy 2459
Brilliant Fame
23. Roderigo
Boy 4433
The TrageDy of Othello' RejecteD suitor of DesDemona
24. Rodolfo
Boy 2702
Legendary Wolf
25. Rodrigo
Boy 4935
Renowned Chief
26. Rogelio
Boy 2569
Request Or Petition
27. Rolando
Boy 2401
Famous Land
28. Roldan
Boy 2756
Famous Land
29. Roman
Boy 2001
Coming From Rome
30. Roque
Boy 3949
Sleep Or Rest
31. Rosendo
Boy 3886
Famed Path
32. Rufio
Boy 5958
Red Haired

Argentinian baby boy names A to Z

Argentinian baby boy names A to Z

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