Arabic baby boy names starting with I

Arabic most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Arabic are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Arabic baby names for boys and girls.

1. Ibaad
Boy 4215
A Worshipper ; Servants Of Allah; Slaves Of Allah;
2. Ibad
Boy 5424
Servants Of God
3. Ibad
Boy 2774
Servants; Slaves
4. Ibadet
Boy 4351
5. Ibadullah
Boy 2736
Worshipers Of God; Devoted Servants Of God
6. Ibai
Boy 3172
Father Of Many
7. Ibdar
Boy 5340
Light Of The Full Moon
8. Ibehaj
Boy 3836
9. Ibkar
Boy 5769
Early Morning
10. Iblees
Boy 5033
Disappointed With God' S Mercy; Satan; Evil
11. Iblit
Boy 4108
12. Ibn
Boy 3106
13. Ibn abbas
Boy 2941
Son Of Abbas
14. Ibn Abbas
Boy 4796
The Name Of The Companion
15. Ibnabbas
Boy 2317
Son Of Abbas
16. Ibnanabi
Boy 2062
Son Of The Prophet
17. Ibnsina
Boy 2582
Sina Was The Father Of Abu Ali Ib-e-sina
18. Ibr
Boy 2897
Prophet Abraham
19. Ibraaheem
Boy 4256
The Biblical Abraham is the English language equivalent A Prophet's name
20. Ibraheem
Boy 2886
A Prophets Name; Variant Transcription Of IBRAHIM
21. Ibrahim
Boy 3272
A Prophet' S Name; Father Of Multitude; Hazrat Ibraheem(AS); Bazurgi Wala;
22. Ibrahim Ahmed
Boy 2345
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
23. Ibrahim Ali
Boy 2323
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
24. Ibrahim Hussain
Boy 5176
Handsome; Beautiful
25. Ibrahima
Boy 3584
Bazurgi Wali
26. Ibrar
Boy 5628
Helpfull Peacfull
27. Ibrat
Boy 3135
Wisdom To Learn From Experience
28. Ibreez
Boy 5361
Gold; Ruby; Pearl
29. Ibrohim
Boy 4978
Form Of Abraham
30. Ibsan
Boy 2927
31. Ibshaam
Boy 3666
A Fragrant Tree; Perfume; Aroma; Scented Odour;
32. Ibsham
Boy 5659
33. Ibtahaj
Boy 3883
Joy; Rejoicing; Jubilation; Light; Happiness
34. Ibtar
Boy 3076
To Bestow; To Give; To Bestow
35. Ibtihaj
Boy 5350
Joy; Pleasure; Happiness;
36. Ibtikar
Boy 2270
37. Idalat
Boy 5120
38. Idd
Boy 3256
Power; Victory
39. Ideeq
Boy 5421
The Biblical Isaac Is The English Language Equivalent
40. Idiq
Boy 4612
The Biblical Isaac Is The English Language Equivalent
41. Idms
Boy 4843
The Biblical Enoch Is The English Language Equivalent
42. Idrak
Boy 3178
To Comprehend; To Understand; To Perceive; To Mature; To Reach One’s Full Potential
43. Idrees
Boy 5397
Variant Of Idris: A Prophet' S Name; One Who Instruct; One Who Teach;
44. Idrus
Boy 4450
Studious, Learned
45. Ied
Boy 5713
Syawal Celebration; Big Day
46. Ieethaar
Boy 3453
(Isaar); Sacrifice; Selflessness
47. Iesa
Boy 5323
A Prophet' S Name
48. Iez
Boy 4115
49. Ifaaf
Boy 5351
50. Iffaan
Boy 2287
Time; Season; Weather;
51. Iffan
Boy 3392
Time; Season
52. Iffat
Boy 5902
Virtue; Chastity
53. Ifham
Boy 4338
Intelligent; Wise; Aqal Mand
54. Ifni
Boy 3900
Feeling; Great Humanity; Hard Worker
55. Ifran Rahaman
Boy 3098
Communicator; Logical; Energetic
56. Ifraq
Boy 5590
57. Ifraz
Boy 4008
Height; Altitude; Elevation
58. Iftekharalamkhan
Boy 5208
59. Iften
Boy 5693
Helper; Adaptable; Strengthful
60. Iftequar
Boy 2750
Royal Parson
61. Iftiar Islam
Boy 3112
Unique In Islam
62. Iftikhaar
Boy 3456
Honour; Glory; Respect; Pride; Proud;
63. Iftikhar Ahmed
Boy 4712
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
64. Iftikhar Ali
Boy 5619
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
65. Iftikhar Hussain
Boy 2333
Handsome; Beautiful
66. Iftikhar Ud Din
Boy 2343
Pride Of The Religion (Islam)
67. Iftikharllah
Boy 2252
Glory Pride Of Allah
68. Iftikharuddin
Boy 2628
Pride Of The Religion (Islam)
69. Iftikharus Sadat
Boy 4859
Pride Of The Chiefs
70. Iftikharussadat
Boy 4207
Pride Of The Chiefs
71. Ifzal
Boy 3665
Eminence; Superiority; Famous; Respected;
72. Ighlaf
Boy 3946
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
73. Igider
Boy 5448
Researcher; Flexible; Soft
74. Igmi
Boy 5894
75. Ihaab
Boy 3685
Gift; Leather
76. Ihaan
Boy 3739
Leader; Pioneer; Morning; Dawn
77. Ihab
Boy 5175
Leather; Chamra
78. Ihan
Boy 5890
Yahweh Is Gracious
79. Ihram
Boy 3817
State Of Purity
80. Ihraz
Boy 5182
Protector; Keep Safe
81. Ihsan
Boy 5061
Kindness; Beneficence; Highest Level Of Iman
82. Ihsan Hasan
Boy 4511
Beneficence, Compassion
83. Ihsanul Haq
Boy 4231
Kindness Of The Truth (Allah)
84. Ihsanulhaq
Boy 3060
Kindness Of The Truth (Allah)
85. Ihtiraam
Boy 5710
Honour; Hold In Honour
86. Ihtiram
Boy 3779
Honour; Hold In Honour
87. Ihtisam ali
Boy 2767
Ihtisam: Smile, Charm + Ali: High, Exalted
88. Ihtishaam
Boy 3806
Magnificence; Splendid; Impressive; Remarkable La-jawwab; Shaandaar;
89. Ihtisham
Boy 5714
Modesty; Virtue; Bashfulness
90. Ihtsham
Boy 3231
91. Iigaz
Boy 2015
92. Ijaz
Boy 5450
Inimitability Of The Quran
93. Ijaz Ahmed
Boy 3312
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
94. Ijaz Ali
Boy 4137
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
95. Ijaz Hussain
Boy 5447
Handsome; Beautiful
96. Ijazul
Boy 4542
Glory Of Allah
97. Ijazul Haq
Boy 3188
Inimitability Of The Truth (Allah)
98. Ijazulhaq
Boy 4651
Inevitability Of The Truth (Allah)
99. Ijlal
Boy 4561
Grand; Splendid; Majestic
100. Ijli
Boy 5016
This Was The Name Of The Makes Of Astrolabes

Arabic baby boy names A to Z

Arabic baby boy names A to Z

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