Baby Names That Mean Wolf

The majority of parents are constantly looking for uncommon names with deep meanings. In such situations, a unique choice would have been to consider a child's name meaning wolf. Here are the top baby names for boys and girls with wolf related meanings." The of baby names that symbolize wolf is provided below.

Name that mean Wolf

Baby Boy Name That Mean Wolf

1. Raife
Boy 2578
Counsel Of The Wolf
2. Ulmer
Boy 2723
Famous Wolf
3. Zev
Boy 3676
Deer; Wolf
4. Rolf
Boy 4879
Legendary Wolf
5. Udolf
Boy 5731
Wealthy Wolf
6. Wolfe
Boy 5912
Running Wolf
7. Ulfmaerr
Boy 4296
Famous Wolf
8. Uwais
Boy 3199
Name Of A Great Saint And Taabiee (RA)Small Wolf
9. Ludolf
Boy 4163
People With Wolf
10. Udolph
Boy 4696
Wealthy Wolf
11. Amadeo
Boy 4686
This Is The Italian Spelling Of The NameAmadeus; Which Means One Who Loves God It Is Also The Name Of The Famous 18th Century Austrian Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
12. Erlin
Boy 5516
Animus Wolf On An Unnamed Wolf Planet
13. Dolphus
Boy 3645
Distinguished Wolf
14. Conall
Boy 3655
Powerful Wolf
15. Ranulf
Boy 3589
Wise Wolf; Wolf Shield
16. Rezso
Boy 5376
Legendary Wolf
17. Wolfy
Boy 5508
Wolf; Wolf; Going; Wolf; Brave; Hardy; Wolf; Raven; Heritage; Patrimony; Rich; Powerful; Ruler
18. Wolfie
Boy 5221
Wolf; Going; Wolf; Going; Wolf; Brave; Hardy; Wolf; Raven; Heritage; Patrimony; Rich; Powerful; Rule
19. Eule
Boy 4091
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler Of All
20. Lyulph
Boy 3204
A Compound Of The Old English Words For Flame And Wolf
21. Faelan
Boy 3183
Relates To Wolf
22. Bleiz
Boy 3525
23. Lope
Boy 5237
Without Stain; Wolf
24. Zeff
Boy 4716
25. Adolf
Boy 5508
OlD German 'ADalwolf' meaning noble wolf UseD by 17th anD 18th century German royal families, anD introDuceD into Britain by the Hanoverians
26. Arhun
Boy 3712
Mythical Wolf
27. Zyrhon
Boy 2781
Small Wolf
28. Sukrish
Boy 2407
Renowned Wolf
29. Rauly
Boy 5022
Wise Wolf; Wolf Shield
30. Lowe
Boy 3782
Young Wolf
31. Amwolf
Boy 2423
Eagle; Wolf
32. Wolve
Boy 3995
Wolf; Wolf; Going; Wolf; Brave; Hardy; Wolf; Raven; Heritage; Patrimony; Rich; Powerful; Ruler
33. Eeriuffi
Boy 5795
Warrior Wolf
34. Raul
Boy 3021
As Wise As A Wolf
35. Wolfwolfe
Boy 3046
The Wolf
36. Kwayne
Boy 3971
Pleasant; Distinguished; Wolf
37. Woolcott
Boy 2108
Lives in Wolfe's cottage
38. Odwolf
Boy 4475
Wealthy Wolf
39. Odolf
Boy 2205
Inheritance And Wolf
40. Syaoran
Boy 3251
He Who Is A Little Wolf
41. Lowell
Boy 3040
Small Wolf
42. Ralphie
Boy 5324
Wise Wolf
43. Odolff
Boy 5173
Inheritance And Wolf
44. Wulfgare
Boy 4299
Wielding A Wolf Spear
45. Channir
Boy 5526
Resembling A Young Wolf
46. Aatovi
Boy 3850
Noble Majesty Wolf
47. Rechard
Boy 2739
Distinguished Wolf
48. Wulfsige
Boy 3246
Victorious Wolf
49. Zevie
Boy 5644
Deer; Wolf
50. Rollin
Boy 5103
Famous Wolf
51. Freki
Boy 3837
ODin's wolf
52. Botwolf
Boy 5353
Herald Wolf
53. Amoux
Boy 2328
Eagle Wolf
54. Wolfgare
Boy 3529
Wielding A Wolf Spear
55. Ulfrid
Boy 5841
Peaceful Wolf
56. Failbe
Boy 5726
Sprightly; Wolf Slayer; Lively
57. Donncuan
Boy 3820
Brown Wolf
58. Awss
Boy 2144
Tender, Awad, A Wolf (the Name For A Number Of Companions Of Them - Aws Ibn Thabit Ibn Aws Al-ansari Ansari Assistance).
59. Aatu
Boy 2473
Noble Wolf
60. Farkas
Boy 4713
Resembling A Wolf
61. Ulriah
Boy 3656
Powerful Wolf
62. Konnyr
Boy 4900
A Wolf Lover; High Longing
63. Rawl
Boy 3721
Wise Wolf; Wolf Shield
64. Ziff
Boy 4757
Resembling A Wolf
65. Woolsey
Boy 3961
Victorious Wolf
66. Botulf
Boy 4826
DeriveD from the OlD German worD for wolf Boston was nameD after a 7th-century saint, as 'Botulf's stone'
67. Zife
Boy 4895
Resembling A Wolf
68. Luyoon
Boy 4173
Legendary Wolf
69. Connel
Boy 2127
Strong As A Wolf
70. Ruelle
Boy 3388
Famous Wolf
71. Levison
Boy 4138
Deer; Wolf
72. Owes
Boy 5196
Young Little Wolf
73. Oatie
Boy 5839
Renowned Wolf
74. Ralph
Boy 2723
As Wise As A Wolf
75. Duko
Boy 3506
Famous Wolf
76. Ruedi
Boy 5319
Famous Wolf
77. Loyola
Boy 4230
Has A Wolf On His Shield
78. Bardawolf
Boy 3250
Axe And Wolf
79. Ruda
Boy 4575
Famous Wolf
80. Hrolleif
Boy 4940
Old Wolf
81. Tolppi
Boy 4667
Noble Majesty Wolf
82. Lowel
Boy 5261
Little Wolf; Wolf Cub
83. Lovel
Boy 5269
Little Wolf; Wolf Cub
84. Rollins
Boy 4506
Famous Wolf
85. Rodolf
Boy 4359
Famed Wolf
86. Adalwolf
Boy 3272
Noble Wolf
87. Rudolph
Boy 4640
Legendary Wolf
88. Conel
Boy 5054
Strong As A Wolf
89. Eadulf
Boy 3775
Rich Wolf
90. Cuthwulf
Boy 3866
Famous Wolf
91. Ziffe
Boy 3103
Resembling A Wolf
92. Maccon
Boy 5841
Son Of A Wolf
93. Khimji
Boy 3310
Small Wolf
94. Seff
Boy 3026
A Wolf
95. Kennelly
Boy 4728
Male Descendant Of A Wolf
96. Lyulf
Boy 2716
Fire Wolf
97. Fridolf
Boy 2540
Peaceful Wolf
98. Radolf
Boy 3846
Red Wolf
99. Rude
Boy 3697
Famous Wolf
100. Felan
Boy 5864
Small Wolf
101. Ruutolppi
Boy 3660
Famous Wolf
102. Rudolfo
Boy 4391
Famous Wolf
103. Hohnihohkaiyohos
Boy 3012
High Backed Wolf
104. Wulfcot
Boy 4882
Lives in Wolfe's cottage
105. Bardolf
Boy 3567
Axe-wielding Wolf
106. Botolf
Boy 2046
DeriveD from the OlD German worD for wolf Boston was nameD after a 7th-century saint, as Botulf's stone
107. Ranulph
Boy 2761
Wise Wolf; Wolf Shield
108. Louvel
Boy 4427
Little Wolf; Wolf Cub
109. Eyolf
Boy 3274
Lucky Wolf
110. Weylin
Boy 2246
Son Of The Wolf
111. Osouf
Boy 2195
God’s Wolf Or Warrior, A Variation Of Ozouf
112. Udolfo
Boy 2220
Wealthy Wolf
113. Honiahaka
Boy 3107
Little Wolf
114. Gunnolf
Boy 5879
Fighting Wolf
115. Faolan
Boy 5288
Small Wolf
116. Ragnulf
Boy 5457
Advisor Wolf; Warrior
117. Yessiah
Boy 3352
Small Wolf
118. Arnil
Boy 2783
Ing' S Wolf
119. Ocunnowhurst
Boy 5720
Yellow Wolf
120. Ardolf
Boy 2969
Home Loving Wolf
121. Wolframe
Boy 2169
Wolf; Raven; Wolf; Going
122. Bjomolf
Boy 4039
Bear Wolf
123. Ulfhrafn
Boy 5978
Combination Of The Words Wolf And Raven
124. Meinolf
Boy 3362
Strength; Power; Wolf
125. Okhmhaka
Boy 3621
Little Wolf
126. Rolphe
Boy 3529
Famous Wolf
127. Lovell
Boy 2461
Small Wolf
128. Kiyiya
Boy 5003
Howling Wolf
129. Ruuttu
Boy 2979
Famous Wolf
130. Yeeleng
Boy 5179
Powerful Wolf
131. Lyell
Boy 2671
From The Island; Wolf
132. Odwolfe
Boy 3999
Wealthy Wolf
133. Dimani
Boy 2893
Renowned Wolf
134. Ralphy
Boy 2594
Wise Wolf; Wolf Shield
135. Ullmarr
Boy 2869
Famous Wolf
136. Ulfried
Boy 5039
Peaceful Wolf
137. Ulfmar
Boy 4076
Famous Wolf
138. Friduwulf
Boy 5121
Peaceful Wolf
139. Reule
Boy 3512
Famous Wolf
140. Whelan
Boy 5494
Son Of Foalon; The Wolf Cub
141. Ahishayan
Boy 5899
Renowned Wolf
142. Dolfo
Boy 3071
Noble Wolf
143. Odwulfe
Boy 4444
Inheritance And Wolf
144. Gunnulf
Boy 2823
A Warrior Wolf
145. Freydolf
Boy 2449
Peaceful Wolf
146. Fridolph
Boy 4740
Peaceful Wolf
147. Fino
Boy 4376
Distinguished Wolf
148. Rudey
Boy 2031
Famous Wolf
149. Odulfe
Boy 2209
Inheritance And Wolf
150. Rhudi
Boy 3771
A Wolf Famous Among Men

Baby Girl Name That Mean Wolf

1. Lovella
Girl 3821
2. Lyca
Girl 3143
Purity; Wolf; Beautiful
3. Ashina
Girl 2806
She Wolf; Successful
4. Tenleigh
Girl 5003
Royal Wolf
5. Nanne
Girl 3868
Daring; Brave; Wolf
6. Euley
Girl 4851
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler
7. Euly
Girl 5086
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler
8. Calvia
Girl 5359
Legendary Wolf
9. Eulie
Girl 5829
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler
10. Faoiltiarna
Girl 5988
A Wolflike Lady
11. Eulee
Girl 5817
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler
12. Adalwolfa
Girl 5453
Noble She Wolf
13. Euli
Girl 2876
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler
14. Qiya
Girl 5247
Deer; Wolf
15. Orfilia
Girl 5305
Female Wolf
16. Adolphine
Girl 5010
Noble Wolf
17. Ylfa
Girl 4561
18. Amou
Girl 5128
Eagle Wolf
19. Euleigh
Girl 2460
The Wolf Ruler; Ruler
20. Leach
Girl 5572
Small Wolf
21. Amaeera
Girl 3882
Small Wolf
22. Adolpha
Girl 4162
Noble She Wolf
23. Faylin
Girl 4308
Young Wolf
24. Melandri
Girl 3065
Distinguished Wolf
25. Lumee
Girl 2871
Small Wolf
26. Lupe
Girl 3646
From The Wolf' S River
27. Ullricka
Girl 3544
Power Of The Wolf; Power Of The Home
28. Analika
Girl 5851
Legendary Wolf
29. Adoqhina
Girl 3844
Noble Wolf
30. Ullrica
Girl 2064
Power Of The Wolf; Power Of The Home
31. Aatolva
Girl 5651
Old Wolf
32. Rudie
Girl 2622
Famous Wolf
33. Arnulfa
Girl 2677
Eagle Wolf
34. Rudolfa
Girl 5326
Famous Wolf
35. Louve
Girl 3565
Female Wolf
36. Gereshk
Girl 4810
Renowned Wolf
37. Mridhini
Girl 3268
Renowned Wolf
38. Ismarie
Girl 4548
Deer; Wolf
39. Tkayla
Girl 2510
Deer; Wolf
40. Micaya
Girl 4922
Distinguished Wolf
41. Kharina
Girl 3750
Ing' S Wolf
42. Mijayla
Girl 3898
Female Wolf
43. Modena
Girl 4018
As Wise As A Wolf
44. Kayles
Girl 3528
Powerful Wolf
45. Ylva
Girl 4448
Female Wolf
46. Qhueen
Girl 2189
Small Wolf
47. Evaleia
Girl 5549
Small Wolf
48. Alanod
Girl 3439
Renowned Wolf
49. Maybreigh
Girl 4731
As Wise As A Wolf
50. Myneisha
Girl 4464
As Wise As A Wolf
51. Lametrice
Girl 5167
Small Wolf
52. Astreya
Girl 4930
Renowned Wolf
53. Antonett
Girl 2371
Female Wolf
54. Kanosha
Girl 4389
Female Wolf
55. Luvly
Girl 4972
Ing' S Wolf
56. Chrishara
Girl 5195
People With Wolf
57. Guadalupe
Girl 5404
From Wolf' S River
58. Kimitra
Girl 4549
As Wise As A Wolf
59. Glinnie
Girl 5176
Powerful Wolf
60. Lillyarna
Girl 2397
Legendary Wolf
61. Abranid
Girl 3478
Female Wolf
62. Deilani
Girl 4748
Deer; Wolf
63. Dilshiya
Girl 3785
Legendary Wolf
64. Alaejah
Girl 5398
Small Wolf
65. Conchobare
Girl 2175
A Wolf-lover; One Who
66. Kialie
Girl 2474
People With Wolf
67. Kiajah
Girl 3944
As Wise As A Wolf
68. Ayrroe
Girl 3259
Distinguished Wolf
69. Lexz
Girl 2366
Running Wolf
70. Jemeriah
Girl 2061
Small Wolf
71. Fasolka
Girl 3230
Legendary Wolf
72. Lutitia
Girl 2242
Legendary Wolf
73. Anayliz
Girl 2020
Powerful Wolf
74. Audreena
Girl 4406
Small Wolf
75. Hayilee
Girl 2328
Distinguished Wolf
76. Ghalesa
Girl 2793
Renowned Wolf
77. Carrilyn
Girl 4151
Legendary Wolf
78. Aureyonna
Girl 2115
People With Wolf
79. Snigdah
Girl 5748
Running Wolf
80. Ludelle
Girl 3899
Legendary Wolf
81. Chloegrace
Girl 4571
Powerful Wolf
82. Graicela
Girl 4583
As Wise As A Wolf
83. Aneleise
Girl 5653
Female Wolf
84. Anaclaire
Girl 4431
Small Wolf
85. Henchy
Girl 3438
Female Wolf
86. Kinzlei
Girl 4280
Distinguished Wolf
87. Vicotira
Girl 2051
Running Wolf
88. Jonalis
Girl 5975
As Wise As A Wolf
89. Daylnn
Girl 3382
Running Wolf
90. Cheala
Girl 2011
Legendary Wolf
91. Aadolfiina
Girl 4002
Noble Wolf
92. Shaelina
Girl 2791
Small Wolf
93. Jadilynn
Girl 3400
Running Wolf
94. Shuvonne
Girl 4344
Distinguished Wolf
95. Lwandisiwe
Girl 3959
Legendary Wolf
96. Aatolviina
Girl 4459
Noble Wolf
97. Bobbiann
Girl 5127
Running Wolf
98. Anna lea
Girl 5584
Female Wolf
99. Neelashini
Girl 5174
Renowned Wolf

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