Urdu baby boy names starting with W

Urdu most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Urdu are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Iznan and Zuhain and Orhan and for boys. Here is the list for Urdu baby names for boys and girls.

1. Waadi
Boy 3053
Quiet; Kamgo; Khamosh
2. Waae
Boy 4818
3. Waae
Boy 5263
4. Waaee
Boy 5888
Guard; Bodyguard; One Of The Security Personnel; Protector
5. Waafer
Boy 2083
6. Waafi
Boy 3592
7. Waafir
Boy 2392
8. Waafy
Boy 4301
Sincere; Loyal
9. Waahdat
Boy 4745
10. Waahib
Boy 5500
Liberal Donor
11. Waahid
Boy 2448
One; Without Partner; Unique; An Attribute Applied To Allah AJmighty
12. Waaid
Boy 2828
13. Waail
Boy 4520
One Who Returns For Shelter
14. Waail
Boy 2154
Variant Of Wa' Il: Coming Back (for Shelter)
15. Waaiz
Boy 3315
Preacher; Advisor; Naseehat Karney Wala
16. Waaiz
Boy 3258
Variant Of Wa' Iz: Preacher; Advisor
17. Waaizh
Boy 3297
(Waa’iz); A Preacher; An Adviser; A Teacher; A Monitor
18. Waajab
Boy 4364
19. Waajad
Boy 4225
20. Waajef
Boy 5477
21. Waajid
Boy 2618
One Whose Wants Are Satisfied; Wealthy; A Lover Or Beloved
22. Waalee
Boy 2834
23. Waali
Boy 2067
The Governor; He Who Directs; Manages; Conducts; Governs; Measure
24. Waameq
Boy 2398
25. Waamiq
Boy 2121
Loving Friendly
26. Waani
Boy 4666
27. Waanid
Boy 4643
28. Waaqi
Boy 4148
29. Waaqif
Boy 5723
Acquainted; Aware Of; Experienced; Conversant With; Knowing; Learned; Sensible
30. Waarad
Boy 5641
31. Waared
Boy 2019
32. Waarid
Boy 3061
Coming; Arriving; Approaching; Alighting; Descending; Happening; Being Present
33. Waarina
Boy 4039
34. Waariq
Boy 2352
Beautiful Tree
35. Waaris
Boy 5233
36. Waarith
Boy 4137
(Waaris)An Heir; A Master; A Lord; An Owner; A Successor; The Supreme Inheritor
37. Waase
Boy 5205
Ample; Wide; Spacious; This As An Attribute Of Allah(SWT);
38. Waasey
Boy 3838
Capacious; Wide; Ample
39. Waashif
Boy 5253
Describes; Attributes
40. Waashil
Boy 5089
Arriving; Connecting
41. Waasi
Boy 5104
(Waas‘) Capacious; Wide; Ample; One Who Possesses Abundant (of Anything) Allah’s Attribute; Meaning; The All Controlling
42. Waasif
Boy 3010
Describing; Tareef K Qabil
43. Waasil
Boy 5673
Joined; Connected; Coupled; Arrived
44. Waasiq
Boy 3688
Trusted; Confident; Positive
45. Waasti
Boy 3967
46. Waathiq
Boy 2694
(Waasiq) Strong; Firm; Binding; Confident; Secure; Confiding; Name Of A Caliph Of Islam
47. Waatiq
Boy 5505
48. Waazi
Boy 3536
Sharp Sword
49. Wabaas
Boy 5162
50. Wabees
Boy 2911
51. Wad
Boy 5167
Love; Affection
52. Wadaad
Boy 3434
53. Wadaan
Boy 3704
Prosperous; Khushhal
54. Wadd
Boy 2473
One Of The Five Idols Worshiped By Noah' S People
55. Waddaah
Boy 3436
Promising Person
56. Waddah
Boy 2638
Bright; Brilliant
57. Waddeen
Boy 3780
Loving’ ; Desiring
58. Waddood
Boy 2144
Friend; Companion; Beloved
59. Wadee
Boy 2211
Calm; Peaceful
60. Wadee
Boy 4223
Variant Of Wadi' : Calm; Peaceful
61. Wadeed
Boy 4575
Loving; Affectionate
62. Wadei
Boy 2185
Peaceful; Calm
63. Wadhdhaah
Boy 5174
Good Looking Face; White Skin; Clear; Day; Bright Day
64. Wadid
Boy 2243
Kind; Compassionate; Tenderhearted
65. Wadii
Boy 4806
Inhabit A Calm Place; Trusted To Keep Something
66. Wadin
Boy 3926
67. Wadood
Boy 4585
Lover; Friend; Amicable; Muhabbat Karney Wala;
68. Wadud
Boy 2506
One Of The Ninety Nine Names Of Allah
69. Waduud
Boy 4115
Very Loving; Polite
70. Waeed
Boy 4071
71. Waeel
Boy 2632
72. Wael
Boy 3002
Clan; Tribe
73. Wael Wail
Boy 2045
Seeking Shelter
74. Waf
Boy 2437
Whole; Complete; Perfect
75. Wafaa
Boy 2038
Faithfulness ; The Faithful; Loyal
76. Wafaa
Boy 4422
77. Wafaaq
Boy 4429
78. Wafaaqat
Boy 5487
79. Wafadar
Boy 2493
80. Wafaee
Boy 2272
Faithful; Loyal; Complete; Actualized
81. Wafai
Boy 4709
Associated With Faithfulness; Fidelity; Loyalty; Faith
82. Wafaq
Boy 5559
Concord; Harmony; Unanimity
83. Wafaqat
Boy 2066
Friendship; Closeness
84. Wafar
Boy 5740
Copious; Much; Opulent; Ample
85. Wafed
Boy 3018
86. Wafee
Boy 3921
Faithful; Loyal
87. Wafeeq
Boy 4497
Harmonious; Appropriate
88. Wafeer
Boy 5555
Plenty; Much; Available In Great Amounts Or Numbers
89. Wafer
Boy 4495
More Frequent
90. Wafi
Boy 4879
Faithful; Loyal
91. Wafic
Boy 5592
92. Wafid
Boy 3055
93. Wafii
Boy 4933
Perfect; Keeps Promises; Capable Of Paying Debt
94. Wafik
Boy 2673
Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability
95. Wafiq
Boy 5431
96. Wafiyy
Boy 4419
97. Wagih
Boy 4607
Cute; Innocent
98. Wahaab
Boy 2206
Gift; Name Of A Sahaabi(RA)
99. Wahaad
Boy 4220
100. Wahaaj
Boy 2339

Urdu baby boy names A to Z

Urdu baby boy names A to Z

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