Urdu baby boy names starting with P

Urdu most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Urdu are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Iznan and Zuhain and Orhan and for boys. Here is the list for Urdu baby names for boys and girls.

1. Pabast
Boy 4716
Firm; Fixed; Strong; Solid; Cogent
2. Pabest
Boy 5999
Mazboot Aur Mustahkam
3. Paboos
Boy 4948
Qadmon Main Jhuknay Wala
4. Pacheet
Boy 5635
5. Padree
Boy 5486
6. Pagah
Boy 4743
Fooj ; Lashkar
7. Paiez
Boy 5146
8. Paiman
Boy 2870
Ehad; Waada; Promise
9. Painda
Boy 2124
Mustaqil Mizaj
10. Pajar
Boy 2111
Mountain; A Very High Hill; Difficult Task
11. Pak
Boy 4813
Clean; Touchstone
12. Pakhtoon
Boy 3891
13. Palvit
Boy 4889
Name Of Lord Vishnu
14. Paman
Boy 2016
Wind And Light
15. Pamard
Boy 2878
Courageous; Steadfast
16. Pamer
Boy 4423
17. Pamir
Boy 4352
Helper; Constant Perfect
18. Panda
Boy 5159
Wisdom; Knowladge; Learning
19. Panth
Boy 3908
20. Papa
Boy 5227
Lord Shiva; Father
21. Papak
Boy 2393
Little Father
22. Parham
Boy 2327
Derived From Abraham
23. Pari Shan
Boy 5767
A Fairy-Like Splendor
24. Paris
Boy 2278
Woh Pathar Jis Ko Cho Kar Cheez Sona Ban Jati Hai; And The French Capital
25. Parishan
Boy 4942
A Fairy-Like Splendor
26. Parkash
Boy 2763
Light; Bright
27. Parman
Boy 5142
28. Parsa
Boy 3139
Pure; Chaste; Devout; Holy;
29. Parva
Boy 4141
Focus; Concentration
30. Parvage
Boy 2242
Knowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
31. Parvez
Boy 2345
Success Name Of A Persian King
32. Parwan
Boy 2034
33. Parwaz
Boy 3700
34. Parwez
Boy 2346
Victorious Peace
35. Parwiz
Boy 2439
36. Pasban
Boy 5670
37. Pasha
Boy 2086
Lord; Ruler; Commander; Chief;
38. Pason
Boy 4223
39. Patang
Boy 2200
Butterfly; Kite
40. Path
Boy 4340
Road; The Way
41. Patman
Boy 3016
Man Of Honor
42. Pawar
Boy 3422
Hameshgi; Daeemi
43. Payan
Boy 5326
44. Payara
Boy 2406
Dear; Beloved; Beautiful
45. Pazir
Boy 4851
46. Peer
Boy 3990
Leader; Old ; A Title
47. Peer Buksh
Boy 2892
48. Pehchan
Boy 2387
49. Pehzan
Boy 5390
Holly Man
50. Pejman
Boy 4693
Desire; Wish; Broken-hearted; Sad
51. Pelabo
Boy 4006
52. Perdak
Boy 4038
Watcher; Invigilator
53. Perman
Boy 2006
Hope; Expectation; Support; Protection; Desire; Wish
54. Peroz
Boy 3012
Kameeyaab; Fatehmand
55. Pertas
Boy 2873
Strong; Muscular
56. Perwak
Boy 5930
Protector; Caring
57. Perzo
Boy 4346
Deserving; Well Wishing
58. Pezhman
Boy 2861
Sad; Broken Hearted
59. Piam
Boy 3652
60. Piara
Boy 4249
King Of Serpents
61. Piarul
Boy 4793
62. Pinaz
Boy 4414
63. Pindar
Boy 4008
64. Pir
Boy 2023
Saint; Spiritual Guide; Wise
65. Pirzada
Boy 2132
A Son Of Pir (Sufi); A Souvenir Of Leader
66. Piyara
Boy 2245
67. Poli
Boy 3041
68. Ponnada
Boy 2261
Hypersensitive; Strength; Highly Attractive
69. Pordal
Boy 3115
Art; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
70. Porosh
Boy 3375
Ambitious; Playful; Different
71. Poshan
Boy 3024
Servant Of The God Or Lamb Of The God
72. Pujman
Boy 3175
Wish; Desire
73. Purdil
Boy 2589
Brave; Fearless
74. Purtab
Boy 4230
Powerful; Strong; Healthy
75. Purtas
Boy 2853
Strong; Stout; Powerful
76. Puzhman
Boy 4710
Wish; Desire

Urdu baby boy names A to Z

Urdu baby boy names A to Z

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