Urdu baby boy names starting with H
Urdu most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Urdu are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Iznan and Zuhain and Orhan and for boys. Here is the list for Urdu baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. |
Haabeel Boy 5056 | Name Of The Son Of Hazrat Aadam (Adam) |
2. |
Haad Boy 5016 | The Leader |
3. |
Haadee Boy 4555 | The Guide |
4. |
Haadhir Boy 3325 | Present Attending |
5. |
Haadi Boy 4886 | Haadi Means Someone Who Guides People Towards -Siraat Al-Mustaqeem (the Straight Path); And It Is One Of The 99 Attributes Of Allah |
6. |
Haadii Boy 5444 | Example; Leader |
7. |
Haadiram Boy 5971 | One who is present |
8. |
Haady Boy 3315 | Guiding To The Right |
9. |
Haafil Boy 4000 | Leader; Visionary; Powerful |
10. |
Haafiz Boy 3659 | Title Of A Man Who Has Memorized The Whole Quran; Guardian; Protector; Attribute Of Allah |
11. |
Haail Boy 3556 | Scary; Big; Great |
12. |
Haaiz Boy 5470 | Acquirer; Getter |
13. |
Haaj Boy 2546 | Haaji |
14. |
Haajeeth Boy 5100 | Beautiful |
15. |
Haaji Boy 3447 | A Person That Had Done The Hajj |
16. |
Haajib Boy 3546 | Door Keeper; Chamberlain |
17. |
Haajid Boy 4570 | Doing Tahajjud Prayer |
18. |
Haakim Boy 4086 | Wise Healer Physician Ruler Sovereign |
19. |
Haalim Boy 2509 | Grown Up |
20. |
Haam Boy 3884 | Hazrat Nooh A; S Son' S Name |
21. |
Haami Boy 3584 | A Protector; Supporter; Defender; Helper |
22. |
Haamid Boy 4836 | Lovinggod; Praiser Of Allah |
23. |
Haanee Boy 3500 | Happy Delighted Content |
24. |
Haani Boy 4151 | Pleasant; Name Of A Sahabi Who Participated In The Battle Of Badr |
25. |
Haanii Boy 2654 | Happy |
26. |
Haaris Boy 3466 | Vigilant Watchman |
27. |
Haarisah Boy 3013 | Guard; Protector |
28. |
Haarith Boy 3784 | Plowman; Green; Ploughman; Cultivator |
29. |
Haaroon Boy 4035 | Name Of The Prophet Of Allah; His English Equivalent Is Aaron |
30. |
Haarun Boy 5115 | Lofty, hope, a prophet's name |
31. |
Haashid Boy 2155 | Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive |
32. |
Haashim Boy 4331 | A Crusher; Breaker |
33. |
Haashir Boy 5389 | Gatherer |
34. |
Haasim Boy 3563 | Zeal; Ardour; Excitement; Enthusiasm; |
35. |
Haasyim Boy 5963 | Generous; Attacker |
36. |
Haatib Boy 3549 | A Person Who Collects Wood; Name Of A Sahabi Who Participated In The Battle Of Badr; He Was The Messenger Of The Holy Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) To The Ruler Of Egypt |
37. |
Haatim Boy 3943 | Hatim Means Decisive And Crucial; Someone Or Something That Puts An End To Doubts Hatim Also Means Judge Or Ruler |
38. |
Haayi Boy 5003 | Modest; Bashful |
39. |
Haazim Boy 2755 | Precautious; Name Of A Sahabi |
40. |
Haaziq Boy 5762 | Intelligent; Skillfull |
41. |
Haba Boy 4851 | Favourite |
42. |
Habash Boy 3375 | Guinea Hen; Guinea Fowl; ; Turkey; A Tabaee (successor Of The Companions) Was So Named |
43. |
Habbab Boy 2379 | Loving; Affectionate |
44. |
Habbah Boy 2040 | Berry; Grain; Seed |
45. |
Habbal Boy 5866 | Rope Maker |
46. |
Habban Boy 2081 | Loving; Affectionate |
47. |
Habeeb Boy 2065 | Loving |
48. |
Habeeballah Boy 2913 | Artist; Careful; Influencer |
49. |
Habeebullah Boy 2143 | Beloved Of Allah |
50. |
Habeel Boy 2224 | Earn; Commit; Build; Kama' Ee Karney Wala; |
51. |
Habib Boy 4611 | Dearly; Loved; Friend; |
52. |
Habib Ahmed Boy 3286 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
53. |
Habib Ali Boy 3597 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
54. |
Habib E Khuda Boy 3736 | God' S Lover |
55. |
Habib Hussain Boy 3060 | Handsome; Beautiful |
56. |
Habiballah Boy 4480 | Emotional; Entertainer; Strong |
57. |
Habibullah Boy 5100 | Friend Of Allah; Dear To Allah |
58. |
HabiburRahman Boy 4553 | Beloved Friend Of Allah |
59. |
Habil Boy 4827 | The Biblical Abel Is The English Language Equivalent |
60. |
Habiri Boy 5131 | Colorful Clouds |
61. |
Habis Boy 5917 | A Narrator Of Hadith |
62. |
Hablalma Teen Boy 4394 | Solid Source |
63. |
Habqar Boy 5039 | One Who Takes An Oath; One Who Swears; One Who Is Under A Solemn Promise |
64. |
Habr Boy 5584 | Virtuous; Scholar; Blessings; Happiness |
65. |
Habrur Boy 5293 | Blessed; Living In Luxury |
66. |
Habshi Boy 5279 | Citizen Of Habsha |
67. |
Habushun Boy 4305 | Creative; Educated; Confidence |
68. |
Habwat Boy 3461 | Gift; Present |
69. |
Habz Boy 5542 | Happiness; Pleasure |
70. |
Habza Boy 5299 | Kalma |
71. |
Hachem Boy 5968 | Name Of Prophet Mohammed |
72. |
Hachim Boy 2856 | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
73. |
Hadaad Boy 2477 | Softness; Mildness; Kindness |
74. |
Hadab Boy 2873 | High Ground |
75. |
Hadabbas Boy 3219 | Tiger |
76. |
Hadad Boy 5955 | Joy; Noise; Calmer; |
77. |
Hadaf Boy 5907 | Respected |
78. |
Hadaq Boy 2700 | Wise |
79. |
Hadas Boy 3011 | Myrtle Tree; Myrtle |
80. |
Hadaya Boy 5634 | Gift; Present |
81. |
Hadbar Boy 2074 | Beautiful |
82. |
Hadber Boy 4384 | Beautiful |
83. |
Haddad Boy 5752 | Smith |
84. |
Haddal Boy 3639 | Cooing Pigeon; A Pigeon When It Sings |
85. |
Haddaq Boy 2370 | Wise |
86. |
Hadee Boy 5012 | Director; Guide |
87. |
Hadeed Boy 5032 | Iron; Sharp; Penetrating (as In The Word A Penetrating Gaze) |
88. |
Hadeeqah Boy 5183 | Garden |
89. |
Hadeer Boy 5148 | Beautiful |
90. |
Hadees Boy 5730 | Speech; Dialogue; New; Modern |
91. |
Hadheer Boy 3578 | Present Attending |
92. |
Hadhir Boy 3565 | Present Attending |
93. |
Hadi Boy 5802 | Guide |
94. |
Hadi Ahmed Boy 4896 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
95. |
Hadi Ali Boy 3058 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
96. |
Hadi Aman Boy 5320 | Peaceful Leader |
97. |
Hadi Hussain Boy 2641 | Handsome; Beautiful |
98. |
Hadib Boy 2336 | Devoted; Kind; Compassionate |
99. |
Hadid Boy 2332 | The 57th Surah Of Quran; Iron; Eloquent |
100. |
Hadidah Boy 4735 | Sword; Weapon |
Urdu baby boy names A to Z
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- Urdu boy names starting with D
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- Urdu boy names starting with F
- Urdu boy names starting with G
- Urdu boy names starting with H
- Urdu boy names starting with I
- Urdu boy names starting with J
- Urdu boy names starting with K
- Urdu boy names starting with L
- Urdu boy names starting with M
- Urdu boy names starting with N
- Urdu boy names starting with O
- Urdu boy names starting with P
- Urdu boy names starting with Q
- Urdu boy names starting with R
- Urdu boy names starting with S
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- Urdu boy names starting with V
- Urdu boy names starting with W
- Urdu boy names starting with X
- Urdu boy names starting with Y
- Urdu boy names starting with Z
Urdu baby boy names A to Z
- Urdu girl names starting with A
- Urdu girl names starting with B
- Urdu girl names starting with C
- Urdu girl names starting with D
- Urdu girl names starting with E
- Urdu girl names starting with F
- Urdu girl names starting with G
- Urdu girl names starting with H
- Urdu girl names starting with I
- Urdu girl names starting with J
- Urdu girl names starting with K
- Urdu girl names starting with L
- Urdu girl names starting with M
- Urdu girl names starting with N
- Urdu girl names starting with O
- Urdu girl names starting with P
- Urdu girl names starting with Q
- Urdu girl names starting with R
- Urdu girl names starting with S
- Urdu girl names starting with T
- Urdu girl names starting with U
- Urdu girl names starting with V
- Urdu girl names starting with W
- Urdu girl names starting with X
- Urdu girl names starting with Y
- Urdu girl names starting with Z