Filipino baby boy names starting with W

Filipino most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Filipino are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Filipino baby names for boys and girls.

1. Wabonishi
Boy 2982
One Who Survives The Winter
2. Waboyan
Boy 2853
3. Waca
Boy 2213
Individualistic; Emotional; Powerful
4. Wacca
Boy 5486
Manager; Peace; Shy
5. Wace
Boy 3902
Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong
6. Wacer
Boy 5261
Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong
7. Wacian
Boy 3353
8. Wacol
Boy 2606
Helpful; Knowledgeul; Shy
9. Wacuman
Boy 2465
10. Wada
Boy 5655
11. Wadda
Boy 4110
Helpful; Sentimental; Respectability
12. Waddsworth
Boy 3087
Village Near The Ford
13. Wade
Boy 2288
From Near A Ford
14. Wadell
Boy 3064
Ford; Dweller By The
15. Wadley
Boy 5478
From WaDe's meaDow
16. Wadsworth
Boy 5898
Wadda' S Estate
17. Waeba
Boy 4373
Skill; Researcher; Mysterious
18. Waeccin
Boy 3913
Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence
19. Waed
Boy 4948
20. Waeddi
Boy 4975
Pioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability
21. Waefreleah
Boy 4161
From The Quaking Aspen Tree Meadow
22. Waegdaeg
Boy 2132
Successful; Joyful; Freedom Lover
23. Waegmund
Boy 4103
Expertise; Perfect; Serious
24. Waegstan
Boy 2085
Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable
25. Waels
Boy 4647
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
26. Waendel
Boy 5734
Leader; Visionary; Powerful
27. Waer
Boy 5737
28. Waerbeald
Boy 3124
Successful; Joyful; Freedom Lover
29. Waerferth
Boy 2151
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
30. Waerheard
Boy 4544
Emotional; Entertainer; Strong
31. Waerla
Boy 2092
Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
32. Waermund
Boy 4024
Friendly; Great Mankind; Charismatic
33. Waerna
Boy 5736
Master; Educated; Cheerful
34. Waernoth
Boy 5573
Freedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
35. Waescburne
Boy 3711
From The Flooding Brook
36. Waggoner
Boy 4475
Wagon Maker
37. Wain
Boy 4709
38. Wainamoinen
Boy 4662
39. Wainright
Boy 3126
Wagon Maker
40. Wainwright
Boy 2370
Maker Of Wagons
41. Waira
Boy 4252
Born Of The Wind
42. Wait
Boy 5441
43. Waite
Boy 3332
44. Waits
Boy 4984
45. Waiyne
Boy 4579
Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong
46. Wake
Boy 5677
47. Wakefield
Boy 2142
From Wake's fielD
48. Wakelea
Boy 3826
Wet Meadow
49. Wakeleigh
Boy 2493
Wet Meadow
50. Wakeley
Boy 5878
From Wake's meaDow
51. Wakelin
Boy 4099
Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive
52. Wakeman
Boy 3926
53. Wakler
Boy 2144
Thickener Of Cloth
54. Walahfrid
Boy 5415
Leader; Visionary; Powerful
55. Walbert
Boy 3496
56. Walby
Boy 4781
From the Welshman's Dwellings
57. Walcott
Boy 4159
Cottage Or Dwelling Of A Foreigner
58. Wald
Boy 2072
Child Of The Forest
59. Waldan
Boy 5334
Child Of The Forest
60. Waldef
Boy 2904
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
61. Walden
Boy 3686
Forest Valley
62. Waldeof
Boy 5074
Social Person; Great Companion; Graceful
63. Waldere
Boy 2147
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
64. Waldeve
Boy 3125
Humanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
65. Waldew
Boy 3008
Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong
66. Waldhere
Boy 3903
Problem Solver; Wisedom; Shy
67. Waldi
Boy 3680
From The Wooden Valley
68. Waldief
Boy 5066
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
69. Walding
Boy 2189
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
70. Waldive
Boy 2221
Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence
71. Waldo
Boy 3172
Powerful' Abbreviation of OswalD
72. Waldon
Boy 2476
From the Welshman's hill
73. Waldron
Boy 5505
From the Welshman's hill
74. Waldrun
Boy 4257
Artist; Careful; Influencer
75. Waldwin
Boy 4078
Loving Change; Master Of Their Own Destiny; High Intelligence
76. Waleis
Boy 2133
From Wales
77. Walerand
Boy 5387
Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
78. Wales
Boy 3627
King Henry IV, Part 1 anD 2' EDwarD Poins, an irregular humorist 'Henry VI, Part 2' Son of RicharD Plantagenet, Duke of York 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' EDwarD, Prince of Wales, son to King Henry VI
79. Walhhere
Boy 5100
Achiever; Peacemaker; More Attractive
80. Walkelin
Boy 2866
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
81. Walkelinus
Boy 5111
Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable
82. Walker
Boy 2711
A Person Who Prepares Cloth
83. Wallach
Boy 5593
From Wales; Welshman
84. Wallache
Boy 5282
A Welshman
85. Wallam
Boy 4527
86. Wallas
Boy 4572
87. Wallcot
Boy 5120
From The Cottage By The Wall
88. Wallcott
Boy 4688
From The Cottage By The Wall
89. Wallding
Boy 3062
Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
90. Wallevus
Boy 4381
Expertise; Perfect; Serious
91. Wallis
Boy 2649
From Wales
92. Wally
Boy 2563
Rules; Conquers
93. Walmer
Boy 2948
The Pool Of The Welsh
94. Walo
Boy 4141
To Rule
95. Walon
Boy 3062
Roadside Land
96. Walpole
Boy 2351
From The Pool By The Ancient Wall
97. Walsa
Boy 5193
Aware; Sentimental; Noble
98. Walsh
Boy 4340
Foreign Person
99. Walshy
Boy 5404
100. Walstan
Boy 4400
Passionate; Extremely Sensitive; Intelligence

Filipino baby boy names A to Z

Filipino baby boy names A to Z

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