Denmark baby boy names starting with F

Denmark most popular names of 2025 feature Dalina as Number 1 for girls, and Hayzen in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Denmark are Khushu and Mine and Aleisha and for girls, and Alfi and Faize and Dida and for boys. Here is the list for Denmark baby names for boys and girls.

1. FabiusBean Farmer
2. FahriNo Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
3. FaizeArbiter; Judge
4. FalkeSurname Relating To Falconry
5. FalkenSurname Relating To Falconry
6. FalkoFalcon
7. FaramondJourney
8. FasoltKilled By Fafnir
9. FedericoCalm Monarch
10. FederigoPeaceful Ruler
11. FedorPowerful Ruler Of The People
12. FelicianHappy
13. FerdPeace Through Bravery
14. FerdaBrave
15. FerdiBrave Yet Peaceful
16. FerdieBold Voyager
17. FerdinandBrave Yet Peaceful
18. FerdynandBrave Traveler
19. FeridunPrecious Gem; Three Times Strong
20. FernanPrepared To Journey
21. FernandoBrave Yet Peaceful
22. FernaoBrave Yet Peaceful
23. FerrantGray-haired
24. FestusFestive; Joyful
25. FicoPeaceful Ruler
26. FidelisFaithful
27. FilbertoVery Bright
28. FilibertVery Bright
29. FillmoreFamous
30. FineAn Elegant Man
31. FitzSon Or Male Descendant
32. FlorentFlower
33. FlorentinusBlossoming; Charming
34. FloribertoBrilliant Master
35. FlorusFlower
36. FonsNoble And Prepared
37. FonzNoble And Ready
38. FortunatFortunate; Lucky; Happy
39. FradyHappiness
40. FrankFrench Man
41. FranzFree
42. FranzenFrenchman
43. FranziskusFree
44. FranzlFrenchman
45. FredCalm Monarch
46. FrederickCalm Monarch
47. FredericoCalm Monarch
48. FredieCopied From The Name Frederick (English); Meaning Desiring Peace And Peaceful Ruler
49. FredrickCalm Monarch
50. FreekCalm Monarch
51. FreiLord
52. FremontGuardian Of Liberty; Noble Protector
53. FriciPeaceful Ruler
54. FrickaOne Who Is Bold
55. FridmundPeaceful Guardian
56. FridolinPeaceful Ruler
57. FridrikPeaceful Ruler
58. FridtjofThief Of Peace
59. FriedelPeaceful Ruler
60. FriedemannPeace; Protection; Safety; Man
61. FriederPeaceful Ruler
62. FriedlPeaceful Ruler
63. FriedliebPeaceful Ruler
64. FriedrichCalm Monarch
65. FriedrickNickname'peaceful ruler
66. FriethjofChild Of Peace
67. FrigyesCalm Monarch
68. FrimuntNoble Protector
69. FrisoFrisian
70. FrithjofPeace; Thief
71. FrithuricAn OlD German name from 'frithu', meaning peace, anD 'ric', meaning ruler
72. FritzCalm Monarch
73. FritzchenPeaceful Ruler
74. FritzlPeaceful Ruler
75. FritzroyPeaceful Ruler
76. FrizerPossibly derived from Fries
77. FrodoEnlightened By Life' S Experience
78. FroilanRich And Beloved Young Master
79. FryderykCalm Monarch
80. FulbertoHe Who Shines
81. FulbrightExtremely Famous
82. FulhertFrom The Old German Filibert; Meaning Very Bright
83. FunsNoble And Prepared
84. FunskeNoble And Prepared
85. FurchtegottFear God
86. FyodorPowerful Ruler Of The People

Denmark baby boy names A to Z

Denmark baby boy names A to Z

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