Canada baby boy names starting with M

Canada most popular names of 2025 feature Chema as Number 1 for girls, and Aiyman in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Canada are Maison and Macon and Kaidyn and for girls, and Harmen and Avian and Raylon and for boys. Here is the list for Canada baby names for boys and girls.

1. Machau
Boy 4575
A Gift From God
2. Madou
Boy 3380
A Human Being; A Person
3. Mael
Boy 5536
Chief Or Prince
4. Maelie
Boy 3488
5. Maga
Boy 5488
Healthy; Sound
6. Magin
Boy 2990
7. Magne
Boy 3742
Mighty Soldier
8. Mahieu
Boy 5778
Gift Of God; Gift Of
9. Maicey
Boy 4508
10. Mailhairer
Boy 3848
11. Maitias
Boy 4302
Language Of Origin Is Varied
12. Maitre
Boy 4744
13. Majai
Boy 2118
Most Precious
14. Malkam
Boy 4337
God Is Their Ruler
15. Mallery
Boy 3037
Unfortunate; Ill Fated
16. Malleville
Boy 2301
Comes From Malleville
17. Mallori
Boy 5922
Unfortunate; Ill Fated
18. Mandek
Boy 4297
Army Man
19. Mandeville
Boy 5368
Hero' S Village
20. Manes
Boy 2689
God Of The Underworld
21. Manger
Boy 5333
22. Manneville
Boy 5236
One Who Comes From The Great State
23. Manvel
Boy 3351
Great Town
24. Manvil
Boy 5675
Hero' S Village; One
25. Manvile
Boy 4580
Hero' S Village; One
26. Manvill
Boy 3874
Hero' S Village; One
27. Manville
Boy 3633
Hero' S Village; One
28. Marcelin
Boy 4350
Dedicated To Mars
29. Marcellin
Boy 3798
Little Warrior
30. Marcellino
Boy 3417
Little Warrior
31. Marcely
Boy 2689
Dedicated To Mars
32. March
Boy 5538
Border Or Extremity
33. Marche
Boy 2222
To Walk
34. Marcian
Boy 2473
35. Marciano
Boy 3168
Little Warrior
36. Marcio
Boy 4277
Borderland Or Frontier
37. Marcquis
Boy 3824
A Person Who Is Very Smart
38. Mardie
Boy 5291
Born On Tuesday
39. Markeece
Boy 5377
Nobleman Or Lord Of The Borderlands
40. Markeese
Boy 3200
Nobleman Or Lord Of The Borderlands
41. Markese
Boy 4994
Nobleman Or Lord Of The Borderlands
42. Markise
Boy 2804
Nobleman Or Lord Of The Borderlands
43. Marmion
Boy 4964
44. Marmyon
Boy 2594
45. Marquee
Boy 5564
46. Marques
Boy 5222
A Spanish Alternative Of Marquis Which Is A Type Of Nobleman In France
47. Marquet
Boy 4574
Not Trusted
48. Marqui
Boy 3588
49. Marquis
Boy 4725
From The Border
50. Marschal
Boy 2361
Marshal; Horse; Servant
51. Marshell
Boy 2982
Caretaker Of Horses
52. Martel
Boy 5128
53. Martinien
Boy 4706
54. Marvens
Boy 4947
Sea Friend
55. Marwen
Boy 5635
Marrow; Eminent; Great
56. Masan
Boy 4633
Mason; Stone Worker
57. Masaru
Boy 3454
58. Maslen
Boy 5362
Little Twin
59. Maslin
Boy 4057
Little Thomas
60. Masling
Boy 3996
Little Twin
61. Maso
Boy 4257
62. Mason
Boy 4653
63. Masselin
Boy 2674
Little Thomas
64. Masyn
Boy 2055
A Spelling Alternative Of Mason Meaning House It Is Also A Surname Traditionally Given To Stone Masons
65. Mathurin
Boy 3491
Lord Murugan
66. Matisse
Boy 2113
God' S Present
67. Maurilio
Boy 5949
68. Mavin
Boy 4584
69. Maxence
Boy 4526
70. Maxime
Boy 4819
The Greatest
71. Maximiano
Boy 5122
72. Maximino
Boy 2836
The Greatest
73. Maximinus
Boy 3483
74. Mayel
Boy 4619
One Who Is Well-spoken
75. Mayson
Boy 3550
This Name Can Either Be Derived From The Surname Meaning Mason; Stone Worker Or From The French Word For House
76. Maz
Boy 4919
Blue; Harmful Spirits; Twin
77. Maze
Boy 4048
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
78. Medhi
Boy 4092
Light In Life
79. Medy
Boy 4010
80. Melvin
Boy 2194
Bad Settlement
81. Menino
Boy 5184
A River
82. Mercer
Boy 4498
83. Mered
Boy 4005
Rebellious; Ruling
84. Merlion
Boy 5649
85. Merville
Boy 5842
Sea Village
86. Messaoud
Boy 5473
87. Messie
Boy 5227
Thank You
88. Michae
Boy 3847
A Pig
89. Miloud
Boy 4264
Thing And The Beginning Of His Delight And Surprise Interesting
90. Mimoun
Boy 5125
With A Pond And Yemen. (name Sahabi).
91. Miquel
Boy 3435
Form of Michael 'Who is like GoD?'
92. Mirabeau
Boy 4604
Wonderful; Miraculous
93. Mirage
Boy 5138
Illusion; Fantasy
94. MiRell
Boy 4048
95. Moar
Boy 4356
96. Modibo
Boy 4877
From A Flowing River
97. Mohand
Boy 3578
98. Momar
Boy 3760
99. Monai
Boy 4372
Descendant Of The Protector
100. Montague
Boy 3869
From A Pointed Mountain

Canada baby boy names A to Z

Canada baby boy names A to Z

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